interview with kida kudz on his immersive art

Kida Kudz is the hottest name in the streets of London. He is a multi-talented artist and musician taking over the art scene with his captivating artwork, featuring bright colours and symbolism. We had the opportunity to interview him during his 'Fine Rubbish' Art exhibition, which was held next door in Rivington Street, Shoreditch.  We also had the pleasure of fuelling this evening with fresh beers for the evening, co-hosted by SOAB party. 

What drives you to wake up every morning and do the things you do? 

 Currently its my art, I am loving the energy I get when I slash a painting and post it up after recording music, every day I am excited to see what comes out of my imagination because I don’t really plan any of the art , I just tap into a different realm and let my emotions take over while that’s how I create the painting and that’s what wakes me up every day


Neo expressionism appears to be a common theme in your artwork. We see a lot of figures in your art. Are these self-portraits of yourself or different people? We are completely mesmerised by your usage of colours. 

I didn’t even know what new expressionism was a couple of years ago, I had never heard about Basquiat of any of that stuff, I was in LA one time visiting a friend who used to paint and she gave me a canvas and some brushes to do something, she said painting can help be relief stress, so I tried it out and she was like… wow your work looks like Basquiat, I was like; who is that? Then I, later on, did my research and watched all the documentaries and all. For me I just tap into my Yoruba African roots and channel all the anger I have bottled inside me to bring about the figures and characters in my work, they all live and they all have personalities. Thanks for the compliment


Do the palettes in your artwork have a deeper meaning?

The deeper meaning is the anger, if you look at my work there usually a lot of red, oranges and yellow, that’s usually the heat, fire, sun and anger the pain I feel in life, I also do some happy fun painting but I tend to like the sinister dark art better because that emotions more relatable

Your roots are from Nigeria - does this reflect the art you produce?
Yes… a lot, I paint my experiences as a Nigerian youth, even the names and titles of my paintings have Nigerian stories behind them or they are just Nigerian slang. My country and culture is a big inspiration behind my art.
Is there a connection between your music and the art you produce, or do you keep them as separate' disciplines?
My music and art are closely linked, before I ever wrote any lyrics I used to draw as a kid, and when I decided to begin making music I used to draw my lyrics that later on turned into my just writing lyrics but they are linked. Since I started making music I have been very instrumental in all my visuals and artwork so starting to take painting seriously is natural and goes hand in hand with the music.

Shoreditch? Have you got a favourite hangout spot?

Shoreditch is a vibe man, Boxpark and amazing food, ace hotel, the clubs and bars, the graffiti on the wall, my painting office is around the corner and my art exhibition is on Rivington street right in the mix of things in Shoreditch. This lace has inspired me and there is a place in my heart for Shoreditch.


If you had one message to people viewing your art - what would it be? 

Just because it's fine doesn’t mean it's not rubbish and just cause its rubbish doesn’t mean it's not fine, interpret that how you want.

More updates on Kida Kudz on his Instagram and his Youtube.

Archive of Fine Rubbish art exhibition, rivington street